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Are you willing to die
to everything you think you know...

...for the love, playfulness
and open-freedom that you really are?




It can be heart-breaking to really acknowledge that the nature of this life, is endless change. There is nothing permanent, nothing constant, no-one reliable, no real security, because whatever is here now, is bound to change, and then change again. In this play of experience, there is no place to land, nowhere to rest and […]


We often think we know how we would like our life to turn out. We think we know what we want for our future. We think that our hopes and dreams should be fulfilled and that if they are not, then that must mean that there is something wrong with us. But who are we […]

The Miracle of Life

As some of you may already know, at 41, I am pregnant with my first baby. As this is a particularly miraculous unending human journey of growing and being touched by life, I would like to share with you, some of my personal unfolding journey so far. About 2 years ago, I had given up […]

What have you got to lose?

We spend so much time and energy desperately trying to make everything safe, secure and certain, but inevitably something comes along in life, to mess up our plans, dreams or ideas of how things are. It seems that the very nature of life is uncertain and insecure, and we really have no way of knowing […]

Are you very sensitive?

As we see through our old beliefs about who we are, as we become more and more aware of our true nature that is unlimited and free, there can also be more and more lived sensitivity in our daily lives. We feel more subtle sensations, emotions, energies, environments. However, a very tempting trap is to […]

No intention of stopping teaching

For those of you who have asked or wondered, now that I am pregnant, I have no intention of stopping teaching, holding meetings or residential intensives. However, I will of course slow down and stop all the traveling for a period from February until August 2015 (I am due in May). During these few months […]

A Little Secret….

We have been holding on to a little secret for the past few weeks… I’m pregnant! Now 16 weeks. We are so happy, and now happy to share the news with you. Photo by Emily Goodman Photography

What is Truth?

Everyone has got a different idea of what the truth is, according to their philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and other opinions. People speak ‘their truth’ in order to defend a position, or to maintain an identity based in opinions. Thought can even say all the right non-dual words and concepts. But to really acknowledge the […]

What is Authentic?

If you are searching for authenticity in your life, you may eventually discover that this is just another sneaky way of putting up more boundaries to separate this from that. Some experiences are considered special or ‘it’, and others are considered inauthentic, wrong, or not ‘it’. In this play of experience, all experiences, without exception, […]

You can never control what people think about you

Today in the meeting, a bright young woman courageously raised the issue of how to navigate in life when you can never control what other people will think about you. You always risk losing the approval, acceptance and love that you think you can get from someone else. Every step you take you potentially risk […]