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Are you willing to die
to everything you think you know...

...for the love, playfulness
and open-freedom that you really are?



Thought tries to hijack everything

When you understand the nature of thought, that it can only fit whatever is heard, recognised or experienced into what has been previously understood or labelled, you can see that it can not do anything else. It will always try to hijack everything, but who you are is always free, no matter what. Unmani

Thought believes it can protect me

Thought believes that it can protect me. Thought believes that there is a safe place away from here. Thought imagines that tomorrow will be better, that somewhere, with someone else, will be perfect. If only I can figure it all out, then I will finally be able to relax…. But in the meantime, whether we […]

Risk it all

Life may not always fit into your ideas of how it ‘should’ be. It may not always feel comfortable. But there comes a point when you are just so tired of chasing temporary experiences of peace and love, and hoping for a perfect future ‘one day’. There comes a point when you acknowledge that your […]

The Push/Pull Game

We make so much effort to be unique and different from other people, but at the same time we long for love and acceptance from them. It’s such a push/pull game. We want to stand alone and be independent individuals, but at the same time we want to melt and merge as One with all […]

Dancing on the surface

Many so-called seekers are dancing on the surface, tasting many flowers, but never really courageously dive deep into what is real right here now. This comes from a idea that “something ‘more’ might satisfy me one day if I keep looking out there”. It is an endless agitated energy that will never be satisfied. It […]

Simply Enjoying Life As it is

A question came up in the from a man in the recent meeting in Totnes: ‘People ask me what my passion is, and I don’t feel that I have one. I like doing a bit of this and that, and enjoying the simple things in life (like a beatutiful sunset), but I don’t have a […]

Stepping into the Unknown

When you admit that really you don’t know how to live this human life, then the burden of covering it all up and pretending you know or need to know, doesn’t need to be carried anymore. This is very liberating in itself. Thought no longer needs to play the role of being in control of […]

Do you want to be a teacher?

Every so often I get another email from someone asking my advice about how they can become a ‘teacher’. It seems that some spiritual seekers believe that once they get ‘it’, then the natural consequence of that is to become a ‘teacher’. I invite these people to look at their real motivation for, first of […]

A Beggar for Approval

When we believe that we need others approval, love or acceptance, we are like beggars. We believe that what is, is not enough, and that what we need is in someone else’s hands. Without the crumbs of attention that someone else might occasionally throw at us, we are bereft, lonely and generally lacking. This has […]

A Teacher or Facilitator

People will either put so-called ‘teachers’ up on a pedestal position, or will crash them down and trash them. Both are an illusory, and both are a way of not meeting directly whatever is here. Although it does seem that I am teaching, or rather facilitating, something, the message is really about seeing through any […]