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Are you willing to die
to everything you think you know...

...for the love, playfulness
and open-freedom that you really are?



No Back Up

This is the same message as Jesus or Buddha or all the Zen Masters, but striped of any tradition, lineage, or dogmas. Once, this message used to be the secret mystical teaching that only those who had been practicing, or on the spiritual path for many years, and had attained certain spiritual qualifications to prove […]

Two Strands to ‘Waking Up’

There are two strands to waking up in this life: recognising who you really are as Life itself, and then the living of that in the human experience. If you try to find a position in one strand more than the other, then there will be an imbalance, that will eventually have to come to […]

‘Being Triggered’

Sometimes things get triggered or touched, and then it all feels so overwhelmingly important. You notice that you are being drawn into a certain familiar energetic dance that feels tense or painful, and yet has a certain exciting flavour to it. It is all so mesmerising and trance-like… You watch yourself play out the childish […]

An Endless Losing…

Life is an endless losing, an endless unraveling of what you thought were, had or knew. Sometimes it is a sweet feeling of openness and ‘let go’, and sometimes it is a painful humiliation. But each time we see through an identity that we were desperately clinging to, we acknowledge our own absence.

Freedom despite it all

We are often searching for so-called ‘Freedom’. But more often than not, it is freedom from something that we believe is keeping us imprisoned. The Freedom I am interested in is not any kind of ‘freedom from…’ – it is ‘Freedom despite…’ It is the Freedom that doesn’t depend on the any particular experience. It […]

The Attachment Paradox

Sometimes people talk about how we should not be attached to possessions, experiences, the body, places, people… But there is a natural attachment, or a being touched, by these things. It is natural to feel touched being with someone you love, or enjoying a new outfit, or new house. It is natural to feel hurt […]

The truth is in absolute simplicity

Someone asked me in a meeting yesterday, to suggest a method or technique to help have the ‘shift’ to awakening. I told him that there is no need of any technique or shift, in order to be what we already are. He didn’t like that answer. When we have spent years making so much effort […]

Being Strong

Being strong does not exclude feeling vulnerable or scared. Being free does not exclude feeling caught up. Being who you are does not exclude any experience, because no experience means anything about who you are.

Intimacy Is a Threat

Intimacy is the biggest threat to who you think you are. Looking into someone’s eyes all the boundaries melt and there is no question of separation. Who you thought you were is now just a vague distant dream. The only reality is the wide openness that you really are. Seeing beyond the appearance of two, […]


No matter what we do, no matter where we go, no matter what we think about ourselves, no matter how hard we try to be good, no matter how many spiritual experiences we have…. the Timeless, Still, Silent, Freedom that We Are, simply doesn’t care.