

A recent video filmed at our last intensive in Wales. ‘What are you really searching for?’


We are usually so fixated on experience that we assume that when there is a so-called ‘good’ experience, that that means that ‘I am a good person’, and when there is a so-called ‘bad’ experience, that that means ‘I am a bad person’. Thought doesn’t know who am I, so it looks to the play of experience for the answer. But experience keeps changing. We keep looking for our identity in what happens, rather than seeing that who we really are is that that is aware of the whole play of experience without exception.

~ Unmani


This month’s themed webinar will be this coming Sunday 1st March at 9pm GMT, and is entitled ‘What is the nature of suffering?’.
It is an opportunity for us to explore, share and inquire into the nature of suffering. There are no perfect answers or solutions but together we can bring some clarity where there might be confusion. Join us by clicking on the link.

What have you got to lose?

We spend so much time and energy desperately trying to make everything safe, secure and certain, but inevitably something comes along in life, to mess up our plans, dreams or ideas of how things are. It seems that the very nature of life is uncertain and insecure, and we really have no way of knowing how to live like that. This can leave us feeling lost and afraid in our daily life. We hold back from love, from expression of feelings, from grabbing opportunities, from taking risks, because we are terrified of losing safety and security. However, if we are willing to dive into our fear, and deeply acknowledge the true nature of life as uncertain and insecure, to acknowledge that we don’t ever have or own anything secure, this can actually free us up to play ‘as if’. We can go on making plans, promises and commitments, always knowing that it is only ever a play ‘as if’, but in the meantime why not play fully? Why not give yourself totally to life without holding back? You have nothing left to lose.


Are you very sensitive?

As we see through our old beliefs about who we are, as we become more and more aware of our true nature that is unlimited and free, there can also be more and more lived sensitivity in our daily lives. We feel more subtle sensations, emotions, energies, environments. However, a very tempting trap is to start to create a new ‘very sensitive person’ identity which can be a ‘special me’ story we tell ourselves. The thinking starts to land in the conclusion that I am this kind of person, and then sneakily the walls of separation have been built up again. The truth is that whatever is felt, or sensed, although sensed fully without restriction, still does not mean anything about who you are. Feel it, live it, sense it all, but know that nothing ever means anything about you.


What is Truth?

Everyone has got a different idea of what the truth is, according to their philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and other opinions. People speak ‘their truth’ in order to defend a position, or to maintain an identity based in opinions. Thought can even say all the right non-dual words and concepts. But to really acknowledge the truth of who you are in your own direct knowing, is beyond thought. It is where thought reaches it’s limit. Only you know, and this knowing can never really be shared.


Thought tries to hijack everything

When you understand the nature of thought, that it can only fit whatever is heard, recognised or experienced into what has been previously understood or labelled, you can see that it can not do anything else. It will always try to hijack everything, but who you are is always free, no matter what.


Thought believes it can protect me

Thought believes that it can protect me. Thought believes that there is a safe place away from here. Thought imagines that tomorrow will be better, that somewhere, with someone else, will be perfect. If only I can figure it all out, then I will finally be able to relax….
But in the meantime, whether we like it or not, Life is simply a wild unprotected, out-of-control, wondrously timeless mystery.
