The truth is in absolute simplicity

simplicity Someone asked me in a meeting yesterday, to suggest a method or technique to help have the ‘shift’ to awakening. I told him that there is no need of any technique or shift, in order to be what we already are. He didn’t like that answer.
When we have spent years making so much effort trying to become more, trying to fix and improve who we think we are, we can not believe that the truth can be in absolute simplicity. It sounds too easy. No effort required? Surely not. We are so used to complication that simplicity seems too difficult. We can not hear that the answer is not in adding or taking away anything. It is not in doing or even in not doing.
And in not knowing what to do or not do, this can feel incredibly frustrating. All you know is to try hard, and do a lot. But what you already are, is not known, or understood, and doesn’t require any effort at all, because it is you.
So then the next question is naturally, ‘well, how can I know this myself, rather than just believing your words?’ You can’t because the one who is trying to know this, is the thinking. The thinking will never be able to know that that is aware of it. So you are left with simply feeling the frustration. There is no escape from feeling it while it is here. There is no point in trying hard to fix it with an imagined perfectly clever answer. It doesn’t work anyway. There are endless questions and endless answers. At some point you see how pointlessly simple it really is.
And in acknowledging this simplicity, you may have to face your feelings of disappointment at how easy it really is.

3 replies
  1. Nemo
    Nemo says:

    I guess it is ‘us’ who are not knowing that the knowing is just a second away. It’s easy to understand the words the sentiment the smell of the meaning. It’s frustrating to the mind that such simplicity can be so logically confusing, to the point that the mind thinks hari kiri is it’s only way out – through / beyond. In other words to give up the mind, but who gives up. So in a sense the question relies on realizing what you are pointing to. If I don’t know the moon and you point to it saying see see chance is I will at first not see. It feels like being on one side of a diaphragm seeing the other but tied back from breaking through. That close – to be the same. Enjoy your day.

  2. Hermann
    Hermann says:

    Thanks Unmani!
    This is so funny in a way, but in another one so sad too. Somehow real painful, somehow so absurd, that it seems to be unbelievable. May be many people, coming to you, are heavy infected with a chaotic, real complicated mind. They call themselves may be “intellectual”, but they are infected minds, not knowing about the very beauty and elegance of simplicity. There happened decades to everyone making him believe, to be someone and/or to become someone else. You will lead them all there, where they can drown completely in what they are… Love

  3. John
    John says:

    SImply feeling frustrated or disappointed won’t do it either. Thought can sustain frustration for quite a long while to no purpose. The real key is in seeing that frustration is inseparable from its perception. Frustration is totally equal to the experience of pure bliss. Both are manifestations of aliveness and awareness and both are inseparable from aliveness. In other words frustration can either be seen as the labels and descriptions that are called frustration or it can be seen as being pure aliveness and awareness when the descriptions are not followed after.

    Whilst there may be no separate person it is still only ‘you’ that can choose how you wish to see ‘your’ life …either through the labels and descriptions or as their source; pure awareness. Don’t be conned into thinking that because there is no you there is nothing you can do and you have to wait for the universe to make it happen. If you don’t take charge yourself then you will be going to see non-dual teachers for years waiting for something to happen. Therein lies endless frustration and disappointment.


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