

As we will be living in Amsterdam for the next half year or so, I will be holding a closed committed group that will meet twice a week for 3 weeks. This will be at an apartment in central Amsterdam, and will start on the 15th March. Numbers will be limited, so please book your place as soon as possible.…/3-week-closed-group-amsterdam/


Acknowledging what is really here, and not what you would like to be here, is the most simple and obvious truth. And yet, it seems that so often we prefer to live in a dream of what could be. The dream can appear to be safer or better. And reality can seem just a bit too real.

~ Unmani


This month’s themed webinar will be on Sunday 1st February at 8pm GMT. The theme this month is ‘Losing Control’.


Waking up out of the dream of who you think you are is, in a way, an endless humiliation. Losing the safe places to hide. Losing the protection against vulnerability. Seeing the arrogance of the thinking when it claims to know how it is or how it should be. Admitting that you don’t know how to live or what is the best or right way to be. Losing more and more of who you thought you were and free-falling.

~ Unmani

Are you very sensitive?

As we see through our old beliefs about who we are, as we become more and more aware of our true nature that is unlimited and free, there can also be more and more lived sensitivity in our daily lives. We feel more subtle sensations, emotions, energies, environments. However, a very tempting trap is to start to create a new ‘very sensitive person’ identity which can be a ‘special me’ story we tell ourselves. The thinking starts to land in the conclusion that I am this kind of person, and then sneakily the walls of separation have been built up again. The truth is that whatever is felt, or sensed, although sensed fully without restriction, still does not mean anything about who you are. Feel it, live it, sense it all, but know that nothing ever means anything about you.


What is Truth?

Everyone has got a different idea of what the truth is, according to their philosophy, religion, culture, politics, and other opinions. People speak ‘their truth’ in order to defend a position, or to maintain an identity based in opinions. Thought can even say all the right non-dual words and concepts. But to really acknowledge the truth of who you are in your own direct knowing, is beyond thought. It is where thought reaches it’s limit. Only you know, and this knowing can never really be shared.


What is Authentic?

If you are searching for authenticity in your life, you may eventually discover that this is just another sneaky way of putting up more boundaries to separate this from that. Some experiences are considered special or ‘it’, and others are considered inauthentic, wrong, or not ‘it’. In this play of experience, all experiences, without exception, are equally authentic, or in fact equally inauthentic.
However, some experiences seem to be sweet reflections of your true nature beyond the thinking: a walk in nature, a melting into a lover’s eyes, a blissful moment in meditation or dance, or just a random moment when thoughts seem to fall away. When these sweet gifts happen, see them as pointers to who you are, and don’t get distracted by the sweet experience that is only ever temporary and always unreliable.
When we start to believe that this experience is ‘it’, we immediately get excited that we have arrived at our spiritual goal. We immediately start to look down on all other experiences with great superiority, as ‘not it’. So as soon as the experience of ‘it’ passes, as all experiences do eventually, we assume we have lost ‘it’. But you never had ‘it’. You never had anything. It was just a passing sweet gift. Be grateful for whatever insight it brought, and let it go. It is already gone anyway.
Who you really are is never an experience of authenticity. It is never an experience at all. It can not be got and it can not be lost. This is the freedom beyond all experience.


Thought tries to hijack everything

When you understand the nature of thought, that it can only fit whatever is heard, recognised or experienced into what has been previously understood or labelled, you can see that it can not do anything else. It will always try to hijack everything, but who you are is always free, no matter what.
