

Just feeling into the baby growing inside my belly… He doesn’t know that he is a baby. He doesn’t know that he is a boy. He doesn’t know that he is a human. He doesn’t know what time it is. He doesn’t know which country we are in. He doesn’t know that he is someone. He is just wide open intelligence (and he doesn’t even understand what those words mean). The intelligence that he is, doesn’t need to understand any of those concepts, because it is Life itself – so much more than concepts.
And of course the funny thing is that, although we all start like that, in our mother’s womb knowing nothing about anything, really nothing changes when we grow up. Even when we think we know everything about who we are and how to live this life, our true nature is still that same wide open intelligence, that doesn’t know in thinking, but knows as Life itself.
~ Unmani


When we say that we are searching for peace, we usually imagine that peace means the absence of agitation, discomfort or thought. However, if you chase this kind of temporary peace, it is just an endless chasing. When you live as a human in this world you will never be able to hold onto a permanent state of peace that is not disturbed by the occasional human sensation, emotion or thought. But the real Peace, is when you no longer need or care about these temporary experiences of peace. When you know the Peace that does not depend on an experience of any kind, you know that this Peace can not be held onto, but it also can not be lost.

~ Unmani


There is a new download on the website, of the recent meeting in Paris entitled ‘What is the point of suffering?’ It is in English with French translation.


We spend so much time and energy building boundaries, walls and secure places: maintaining relationships, jobs, collecting possessions… All with the idea that if I can get it all perfectly arranged somehow, that that will bring me real security and safety. Maybe that sense of safety and security can last for a while, but inevitably at some point something happens to disturb it all. Whether it is losing your job, a relationship break-up, illness, or some kind of tragedy. You have to eventually face the reality that nothing is certain. Nothing, or no one, can be relied upon to be here forever.
However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t dive into relationships, maintain jobs, or acquire possessions. Why not? Lose yourself completely in whatever you do, or whoever you are with, only knowing that you have nothing to lose really. This is the heartbreaking paradox of life: that because you have nothing to lose, you may as well lose it all.

~ Unmani


As we will be living in Amsterdam for the next half year or so, I will be holding a closed committed group that will meet twice a week for 3 weeks. This will be at an apartment in central Amsterdam, and will start on the 15th March. Numbers will be limited, so please book your place as soon as possible.…/3-week-closed-group-amsterdam/


If you are expecting the answers to come from thought, it will only ever be a frustrating roller-coaster of highs and lows. Any answer or solution to suffering, will only ever be temporary – a temporary experience of relief that thought will jump onto saying: ‘This is it! This must be what I have been looking for.’ But of course the experience, like every experience, is bound to change. And when it does, thought will say: ‘I’ve lost it! I need to get it again.’ And the search goes on, very painfully and dramatically. Lots of highs and lows, going nowhere actually. At some point, perhaps you get so exhausted, and see that it is all out of your control anyway.

~ Unmani

roller coster


Acknowledging what is really here, and not what you would like to be here, is the most simple and obvious truth. And yet, it seems that so often we prefer to live in a dream of what could be. The dream can appear to be safer or better. And reality can seem just a bit too real.

~ Unmani


This month’s themed webinar will be on Sunday 1st February at 8pm GMT. The theme this month is ‘Losing Control’.