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Online Participation

21st- 28th November 2023


Awakening is an endless strip-tease. We are continually invited to see where we are still believing in some kind of conclusion, or assumption about who we are and about Life itself. This endless stripping away of whatever we are holding onto, leaves us naked and vulnerable. This can be a scary and uncomfortable process, and leaves us with no firm ground under our feet. But at the same time it answers a call from who we really are, to wake up out of the dreams of the mind, and to come alive as Life itself.

In this retreat with Unmani, we will meet in a group of people who are all longing to wake up and to live freely as the truth of who we are. We will meet in the Silence beyond all the words, while at the same time exploring any beliefs, or misconceptions that arise. Unmani holds each individual, and the whole group, in loving Presence, which provides a safe space to go deeper.

‘Awakening is about waking up out of the cosy and familiar dream that you have been used to, and falling into the unknown present. It is the end of all your hopes and dreams, and about really stopping and facing your fears. It is not to be seen lightly as a hobby or pastime, or a way to treat your daily suffering. It is a matter of life or death. Recognizing who you really are, will destroy you and your whole life as you know it. And at the same time you will feel more alive than ever!’ ~ Unmani

A wonderful opportunity to attend the retreat online if you are unable to be with us in person.

Unmani guides each person in continual waking up out of thoughts and dreams, to the recognition of what is beyond it all.

For Whom?

  • Unmani offers this intensive retreat for seekers who are now ready for the simple truth, rather than desiring more beautiful spiritual experiences. It is for those who want to come to the end of seeking and who have the courage to acknowledge the truth that you are, and can never lose.
  • This time together offers a rich opportunity to:
    – question, share and discover how this life can be lived in truth and openness, without any false promises or dreamy experiences
    – get to the root of all your hopes and fears
    – wake up out of the dream of separation
    – deeply acknowledge that you are not limited to what you think

    It is about waking up out of the dream of thought, and living the Openness and Freedom that you really are. It is about exploring the truth, and what seems to restrict you, in the midst of your daily life.

    Unmani’s message is not only in her words but also in the energy field. She speaks from that ‘beingness’ that awakens to itself when it is heard. While the words are used to undo confusion and misunderstandings, it is also about resonating with what is happening, beyond all the words.

    ‘If you really step out of the way, and stop assuming you can control it, you will see what this Life energy does on its own. Risk living in wonder and surprise.’
    ~ Unmani

What previous participants have said:

‘I was very impressed by the clear, loving and simple way Unmani gives her message. She gave every participant all the support and understanding and push that they needed.’

‘Unmani is the best teacher for me. Her simplicity is killing me. At each intensive I lose more of what I think I am.’

‘More than any other retreat, Unmani’s intensives leave you nowhere to go but to come face to face with the truth of who you are.’

Please note that before you apply to join this Intensive, Unmani asks that you make sure that you have watched several of Unmani’s free video clips available on Youtube.


We use Zoom video conferencing software which is free to download. You will need a computer with a microphone and camera. Please make sure you check how to use Zoom before we start the retreat. Once you book your place, you will receive more instructions about how to join the retreat.

Online Participation of This Retreat Includes:

  • Live viewing of the 3 sessions daily with Unmani
  • Sessions include guided meditations, talks, dialogues and Q&A
  • The opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session
  • Each session includes sharings and intimate dialogues
  • Movement sessions
  • The freedom to join the sessions live or watch the recordings later in your own time.
  • Recordings of the whole retreat for you to download keep forever

Participants from online retreats have said:

‘This online retreat was a huge gift. I am grateful that I got a chance to be in this journey.’

‘I experienced the online retreat as a real retreat. More than I expected. It felt very profound.’

A Typical Day

(schedule is subject to change)

8:00 AM: Movement session

9:00 AM: Breakfast

10:00 AM: Session with Unmani

11:30 AM: Tea break

12:00 PM: Session with Unmani

1:30 PM: Lunch and freetime to relax, go for a walk, go to the pool, socialise or be alone.

7:00 PM: Dinner

8:00 PM: Session with Unmani/Other group activities

Dates & Details

Check in: 4- 6pm on 21st November
Check out: 12pm 28th November
The retreat starts at 8pm with the first introduction session.

The retreat will end on 28th November after our last session.

Online Retreat Price: €250

The price is per person and includes all sessions, recordings, and full participation in the retreat.

The price for 8 days of Unmani’s teaching is set much lower than usual so that we can make this retreat available to all those who would like to join. However, if you feel that you would like to, and have the means to, pay more, we very much appreciate and welcome that. Thank you.

If you would really like to join us but have genuine financial difficulties, please email

Booking Procedure

To confirm your place at the retreat, payment is required at the time of booking. Payment can be made by PayPal, or by bank transfer. If you would like details to pay by bank transfer, please specify details in the booking form.

Please ensure that you read the Booking and Cancellation Policy carefully before you book. 


Unmani’s intensive retreats can be very intense and go very deep.  In these retreats, Unmani always gives as much support and individual attention as possible, however, when you register for an intensive retreat you  it is always your own responsibility to be sensitive to yourself and to know how deep you are willing and able to go.

Occasionally this work may bring up latent traumatic memories which can trigger overwhelming thoughts, emotional responses and behaviour. Working with Unmani may offer an opportunity to recognise, release and go beyond these states. However, a participant with a pre-existing mental health condition may feel overwhelmed by this and so additional medical and psychiatric support may be required. Please be aware that we are not able to provide this type of support or expertise.

If you are currently receiving or have previously received any medical treatment or therapy for issues related to mental health, an intensive retreat may not be suitable for you. We encourage you to consult with your mental health practitioner before participating, to ensure that the retreat is right for you at this time.

Intensive Retreats with Unmani are not a replacement for any medical treatment or diagnosis.