Two Strands to ‘Waking Up’

There are two strands to waking up in this life: recognising who you really are as Life itself, and then the living of that in the human experience. If you try to find a position in one strand more than the other, then there will be an imbalance, that will eventually have to come to balance somehow. You can not rest in the Absolute and escape the human experience forever. And you can not endlessly try to fix the human experience, and overlook that it is all only a play in the Absolute. Either way you will feel that something is missing and out of balance.

The truth is in absolute simplicity

simplicity Someone asked me in a meeting yesterday, to suggest a method or technique to help have the ‘shift’ to awakening. I told him that there is no need of any technique or shift, in order to be what we already are. He didn’t like that answer.
When we have spent years making so much effort trying to become more, trying to fix and improve who we think we are, we can not believe that the truth can be in absolute simplicity. It sounds too easy. No effort required? Surely not. We are so used to complication that simplicity seems too difficult. We can not hear that the answer is not in adding or taking away anything. It is not in doing or even in not doing.
And in not knowing what to do or not do, this can feel incredibly frustrating. All you know is to try hard, and do a lot. But what you already are, is not known, or understood, and doesn’t require any effort at all, because it is you.
So then the next question is naturally, ‘well, how can I know this myself, rather than just believing your words?’ You can’t because the one who is trying to know this, is the thinking. The thinking will never be able to know that that is aware of it. So you are left with simply feeling the frustration. There is no escape from feeling it while it is here. There is no point in trying hard to fix it with an imagined perfectly clever answer. It doesn’t work anyway. There are endless questions and endless answers. At some point you see how pointlessly simple it really is.
And in acknowledging this simplicity, you may have to face your feelings of disappointment at how easy it really is.